Artistic Process Master Classes

Classes with Dance, Theatre, Improvisation, and Somatics luminaries share their gems about specific aspects of Creative Practice.

    1. How to Use this Course

    2. Master Classes Introduction

    1. About this class

    2. Goals and Values with Alexandra Beller

    3. Essay and Score: Goals and Values

    1. About this Class

    2. How to Deal with Time in your Art-Making (with Deborah Black)

    3. Essay and Score: Time

    1. About this Class

    2. How to Deal with Space in your Artistic Process (with Kelly Bartnik)

    3. Essay and Score: Space

    1. About this Class

    2. Communicating Meaning to an Audience (with Katherine Profeta)

    3. Essay and Score: Meaning

    1. How Do We Create Intentional Relationships in Our Art? (with K.J. Holmes)

    2. Essay and Score: Relationship

About this course

  • $200.00
  • 24 lessons
  • 8.5 hours of video content

Find a new way

Classes with: Kelly Bartnik, Alexandra Beller, Deborah Black, Jasmine Hearn, K.J. Holmes, Angie Pittman, Katherine Profeta, Vicky Shick, and Jill Sigman